screenshot of the White House's Spanish-language URL, which is now a 404 message. The background is black, with the number "404" featured prominantly. drectly below that is a drawing of the White House, and underneath it are the words "page not found" below that is a clickable button that reads "go back to home page"

Things are neither normal, nor OK – Coping with the new president

It’s been a week since our new president has been sworn in. And just as many of us(including me) have feared, things are decidedly NOT “business as usual”. There are always is a certain amount of hand-wringing and anxiety around a change in presidency, especially when it also is associated with a change in party….

A snail makes its way across a red running track.

Pacing: an essential tool for self-care and healing

I’m once more participating in A Chronic Voice’s writing prompts. This month’s words are: summarizing, crossing, moving, rebuilding, and expecting. I’ve been thinking about writing about pacing for a while now, and these words felt useful for that process. When the summary is too short So to summarize what most doctors tell their patients: “You…

Alison(white woman with medium-length brown hair with white highlights) looks directly into the camera with a slightly sad and frustrated look on her face. She has a pillow behind her head and an offwhite wall behind her. She is wearing a white shirt with a peasant top, with blue stitching visible on it.

So I got Covid-19 – Experiencing the aftereffects

This post is a response to Sheryl Chan of A Chronic Voice’s October writing prompts. This month’s terms are: disabling, enabling, committing, communicating, and reinventing. The first time I heard of Covid-19, my niece brought it to my attention. It was late December 2019, and she showed me a news article discussing this new virus…

White woman with shoulder-length curly brown hair walks confidently through a building with large glass windows overlooking trees. Her right leg is prosthetic.

Returning to work after getting on disability: protecting your health

For many of us who become disabled, the recognition and acceptance process isn’t easy, and all too often, employment and disability are inextricably linked. For many of us, part of becoming disabled is losing our employment. The grief and loss of becoming disabled is often entangled deeply with the loss of income, and often the…

A white woman with short gray hair and wearing dark-rimmed glasses tilts her head to the right, leaning it against her right hand and smiles into the camera. She's in a close-cropped photo that shows her to chest height and she's wearing a grey-blue collared shirt with paisley-shaped collections of turqoise blue tiny flowers dotting it. The photo feels friendly and inviting, like she's just asked you a question and is attentively awaiting your answer.
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Using hypnotherapy to treat FND: transforming your mind

Introduction by Alison As I have shared in previous posts, I have been living with Functional Neurological Disorder since 2000, and was diagnosed in July 2003.  At that time, the condition was poorly understood, and my neurologist had few recommendations for me.  Over the years, I found and explored many treatment options, many of which helped…

a woman in turquoise scrubs holds a stethescope bent to form the shape of a heart in front of her.
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Finding the right doctors after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

Functional Neurological Disorder is a common but poorly understood condition. Being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder isn’t just overwhelming for you as the patient, but it also can be a challenge for your doctor as well. The symptoms look like neurological symptoms(each FNDer may have a different symptom set), but don’t have the usual causes…

Eggs in an egg carton. All are white except for a single black egg in the center. All eggs have faces drawn on them - with the black egg looking frightened, and the surrounding white eggs looking varying degrees of angry or disapproving and appearing focused on the black egg

Minority Stress and Chronic Illness

When writing my post about stress-related medical conditions, I went down an intellectual rabbit hole that I wanted to highlight: the stresses involved in being a minority of any kind. People tend to immediately categorize all they engage with as either “like” or “other”. They connect with those who are like them, and view the…

A black female doctor talks to her white female patient

Systemic racism and ableism in healthcare

Let’s start with the terms themselves. Systemic racism is a deep-rooted issue in the US, and one that many conservatives don’t want to admit even exists. When it comes to our broken healthcare system, racism is one of many ‘isms’ buried within it. Ableism is also a systemic issue, and one that is deeply entrenched…

Black woman with short, natural hair reads over a document at her desk.

Health Insurance Plans and the disabled community

October through December is Open Enrollment season for the US Health Insurance system. This is the time when people can choose, change, or adjust their healthcare plan. With about 55% of the population covered through private employers, this is when employees have the right to examine their options and select the offered plan that best…