I am a creative and empathetic human being who has lived with FND(functional neurological disorder) and the label of ‘disabled’ for much of my life. As a child I was considered special needs due to a fine motors disability(it’s pretty much impossible for me to write quickly or neatly and my hand-eye coordination isn’t great). I was diagnosed with depression when I was 9, after multiple family members(and a few other significant people in my life) died in under 3 years. It took a while, but I came through both things with my hope for the future and my belief in myself intact! Since then, I have lived through many other very challenging situations, and have consistently emerged on the other side with a renewed sense of purpose, and with my self-image either intact or improved by my adventures. I am very good at recognizing problems, breaking them down into manageable chunks, and then solving them. I want to help you (and others) who are dealing with physical, emotional, or mental health challenges to handle life’s challenges on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. I want to help you to improve your life, connect with your sense of purpose, and celebrate every step of your journey!
This work is important to me as I know that I have loving family members with helpful social connections and enough income to be able to help me when I really needed it. Through these supports, I have been able to focus on making my life better, rather than needing to put all my energy into survival. I want to help others do the same. I have spent my entire adult life living with a condition that makes routines nearly impossible to develop, and which becomes more debilitating the stronger my emotions are. I try to focus on the positives in my life, and keep my day to day stresses as low as possible with strategic planning and cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude.
I have helped friends think through their problems, and the questions they might need to ask to find their solution. I am hoping to use this site to help as many people as possible to find that better way, find that useful question, or figure out how to find the answers you seek.
I have also been an active participant in FND Hope’s discussion groups for years, and have also served that organization as a volunteer. Currently, I am a contributing writer to the FND Hope magazine, providing food and nutrition advice. In the next issue, I will have also have a story about my time at the MoRe program in Louisville, Kentucky.
I hope you will enjoy my page – and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns I haven’t answered! I’m trying to make this site as helpful as possible to our community, so the more you share, the better able I am to make this an even better space. I also would love to know your story, so please feel free to share it with me.