A white woman with short gray hair and wearing dark-rimmed glasses tilts her head to the right, leaning it against her right hand and smiles into the camera. She's in a close-cropped photo that shows her to chest height and she's wearing a grey-blue collared shirt with paisley-shaped collections of turqoise blue tiny flowers dotting it. The photo feels friendly and inviting, like she's just asked you a question and is attentively awaiting your answer.
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Using hypnotherapy to treat FND: transforming your mind

Introduction by Alison As I have shared in previous posts, I have been living with Functional Neurological Disorder since 2000, and was diagnosed in July 2003.  At that time, the condition was poorly understood, and my neurologist had few recommendations for me.  Over the years, I found and explored many treatment options, many of which helped…

a woman in turquoise scrubs holds a stethescope bent to form the shape of a heart in front of her.
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Finding the right doctors after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

Functional Neurological Disorder is a common but poorly understood condition. Being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder isn’t just overwhelming for you as the patient, but it also can be a challenge for your doctor as well. The symptoms look like neurological symptoms(each FNDer may have a different symptom set), but don’t have the usual causes…

Alison smiles into the camera.
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Functional Neurological Disorder treatment programs are worth the effort!

I participated in the MoRe—Motor Reprogramming—program in Louisville, Kentucky, in 2016. It was the single most helpful treatment I have ever had, and may ever have, for my Functional Neurological Disorder(FND). In this post, I want to go over why this is a treatment option, how it works, and how you can find a similar…

Alison smiles. She has short brown hair in thi picture and is wearing glasses. Bison are visible behind her
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Accepting my Functional Neurological Disorder diagnosis

April is FND Awareness Month, and April 13 is FND Awareness Day. I’m going all in on that, and I’ll be focusing this post and month on the process of accepting your diagnosis—and illustrating it with my FND experiences (and what I’ve picked up from fellow FNDers inside of discussion groups). I’m also using A…

me, sitting and looking at a pond
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Can you get disability if you have FND?

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a relatively common (though rarely properly diagnosed) condition. I was diagnosed in 2003 when it was still being called Conversion Disorder (and labeled as a mental illness rather than a neurological condition). I want to be really clear about this: the condition you have (your diagnosis) is less impactful on…

Alison smiling, wearing a FNDHope shirt and holding a sign reading "I am #FNDAware, are you?"
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How psychiatrists, psychologists and psychological tools help FND patients

Functional Neurological Disorder is a common but infrequently diagnosed neurological condition that appears to be on the boundary between neurology and psychiatry. When I was diagnosed in 2003, it was labeled as a psychiatric condition that required a neurologist and a psychiatrist to diagnose. Since the mid-2000’s there has been a huge push by both…

FND and the placebo effect
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FND and the placebo effect

Functional Neurological Disorder is a neurological condition, but how it works and the processes associated with it are right on the boundry between neurology and psychiatry. While characterizing it as neurological is very helpful for those of us with the condition and for the researchers studying it, the fact remains that many aspects of FND…

FND Awareness month #FND2020
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FND Awareness month #FND2020

It’s that time again, I’m writing in response to A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  April prompts: distancing, returning, stressing, understating, celebrating When I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder(FND) in 2003, I was told by the neurologist who diagnosed me that I also needed to see a psychiatrist to confirm my diagnosis, since it was considered a…

poster stating"FND(functional neurological disorder): confirming your diagosis

Getting diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

I have a condition known as Functional Neurological Disorder(FND).  I was diagnosed in 2003, when people were even less aware of the condition than they are now.  It had a different name(Conversion Disorder) and was labeled as a form of mental illness, rather than as a neurological condition.   In my case, Conversion Disorder remains…