Finding the right doctors after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder
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Finding the right doctors after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

Functional Neurological Disorder is a common but poorly understood condition. Being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder isn’t just overwhelming for you as the patient, but it also can be a challenge for your doctor as well. The symptoms look like neurological symptoms(each FNDer may have a different symptom set), but don’t have the usual causes…

Systemic racism and ableism in healthcare

Systemic racism and ableism in healthcare

Let’s start with the terms themselves. Systemic racism is a deep-rooted issue in the US, and one that many conservatives don’t want to admit even exists. When it comes to our broken healthcare system, racism is one of many ‘isms’ buried within it. Ableism is also a systemic issue, and one that is deeply entrenched…

I Did It My Way! Directing Your Wellness Journey

I Did It My Way! Directing Your Wellness Journey

I met Katie a year or two ago. As she and I discussed our health experiences, I found myself especially fascinated with how she discovered LDN and how helpful she’d found it. As she shared her experience of negotiating her treatment with her doctor, I thought it would be a great piece of experience to…

The pain of losing a great doctor

The pain of losing a great doctor

On Tuesday, I had an appointment with a new neurologist. The neurologist I’d been seeing, Dr. Schneider, was on medical leave due to a cancer diagnosis. I’d had a telehealth appointment with Dr. Schneider in June, and he’d been a little pale and skinnier than usual (he was always a pretty slender guy), and during…

Self-diagnosis: perils, pitfalls, and occasionally the appropriate action

Self-diagnosis: perils, pitfalls, and occasionally the appropriate action

While I’ve talked about how the diagnosis process is one of guessing and checking, I want to emphasize that in most cases, it’s essential to have a doctor be involved in the process. We, as laypeople, don’t have access to all the information or tools needed to be in any way sure that our interpretation…

Understanding medical diagnosis: why it’s all ‘best guesses’

Understanding medical diagnosis: why it’s all ‘best guesses’

I thought it might be helpful to take a few steps back and dig into how doctors are trained to think about and look at patients, and how they are trained to make diagnoses. This is really important because it helps us understand where missteps and mistakes are more likely to happen and to have…

Getting diagnosed is a journey, not an event

Getting diagnosed is a journey, not an event

Doctors can and often do make the wrong diagnosis. There are also people, especially those who spend a long period of time without a diagnosis, who start to see a diagnosis as a holy grail – that one true thing that will make their lives ok again. What a diagnosis is Diagnoses are labels. They…

Managing Stress if you go to an ER

Managing Stress if you go to an ER

If you are not experiencing an immediately life-threatening emergency, please double-check with your doctor if at all possible to see if there is a reasonable alternative to going to the ER. Not only are ER visits substantially more expensive than regular doctor or hospital visits, but they also are spaces where you have almost no…