an orange slice on a dark yellow background. Half of the orange is covered by white pills

Food can be medicine too: the power and danger of special diets

One of the things you’ll find if you start researching medical conditions is that there are often dietary suggestions made—things to add (or remove) from your diet, suggestions for what you should (or shouldn’t) eat, and suggestions for when and how to eat. It can easily become overwhelming, and it can also put your health…

sign reading 'D.I.E.T.(did I eat that?)

Food allergies and sensitivities: when you need to remove food options

For many people, their diagnosis includes some behavioral or meal-planning changes, either due to learning of allergies or food sensitivies, or due to newly recognized(or recently more severe) health concerns requiring a change in diet, such as heart-healthy eating or diabetes management. Whatever the reason, changing eating habits is hard. The more extreme the change,…