A Chronic Voice December 2018

A Chronic Voice December 2018

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  Prompts: De-Stressing, Savouring, Simplifying, Resting, Finalising I often spend late November and much of December focused on finding the positives.  I struggle to connect with the joy and giving that are often assumed and expected, while I try to participate in celebrations and keep…

Gratitude is the best attititude to help you heal

Gratitude is the best attititude to help you heal

I am sure that you have heard this phrase somewhere before(or the similar “cultivate an attitude of gratitude”) – it’s appearing on a lot of self-help sites, meditation sites, and wellness guides.  I’m here to tell you that yes, there is a scientific basis for this statement and that it can be great advice!  Be…

A large formal event. People are gathered at a long wooden table. Everyone is raising a glass for a toast

Making the most of your holiday celebrations!

I talked recently about deciding what events to attend as part of your holiday celebrations this holiday season. This post is a companion for it, but with a focus on what you can do before and during an event to help yourself have the most possible fun! Plan ahead to minimize your stress the day…

on a golden-brown background, with stylized snowflakes, two large holiday cards are layed out, as well as two golden snowflake decorations. One card is closed and picutes two people walking side by side in a winter wonderland. the card in front of it is open and shows two lines of text, though the words aren't quite readable

Should I go? Deciding what holiday events to attend when managing a disability

Especially around the holidays, there are a lot of events that you may be invited to, and a lot of events that you may have the opportunity to attend.  If your condition is new or has shifted severely, it may be hard to know what events you might actually be able to enjoy and which…

FND and medical support
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FND and medical support

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  For reasons that will become apparent as you read, this is also my post this week! Prompts: Meeting, Advocating, Tweaking, Working, Curating These prompts together make me think of the fight so many of us with disabling conditions and chronic illnesses have to consistently participate in to properly…

mug and tissues

Being sick while managing a chronic illness

Everybody feels pretty crummy when they are sick.  Spending days unable to breathe easily or running to the bathroom, or coughing up a storm just doesn’t make anybody happy.  Getting sick when you have a chronic condition is an especially miserable experience. I’ve been sick now since Friday, I guess.  I had been planning and…

Grieving your former self and finding peace

Grieving your former self and finding peace

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. words: budget, escaping, speeding, slowing, evaluating This month’s prompts had me thinking about energy.  Emotional energy, physical energy, mental energy – all of these energies are limited. So many of our personal day-to-day decisions are heavily influenced by how much energy we have, how…

Massage therapist massaging man's head

Should I see a massage therapist?

I know, you hear massage and think of it as a luxury.  Massage therapists? A pampering that the rich people get, not us. Sometimes, though, massages are the best possible treatment! Massage can also be incredible medicine for a variety of conditions, including Functional Neurological Disorder(FND), the condition I have. Why get a massage? Most…