A group of six disabled POC folks gather on a rooftop to chat.

Accessibility is about more than just ramps and captions

The first thing that I want to make very clear is that I *want* the public to do a better job of making things accessible. I know that even getting ramps, captions, image descriptions, and other basic essentials meant to allow people with physical disabilities to participate in society still has a long way to…

protest sign leaning against a door. It reads "Racism is a pandemic'

Covid-19 is a fulcrum: let’s change the world!

So, it’s once more time for A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. This month’s words are unlocking, limiting, studying, healing, and watching. This month, it felt really appropriate to focus in on our ability, as disabled folks, to help embody the changes that could help our country heal. Covid-19 has served to highlight the inequalities and…

Stress-related health conditions

Stress-related health conditions

There are many conditions that are directly associated with stress. While that includes most, if not all, mental illnesses, it also includes very physical conditions such as diabetes, many forms of coronary disease, and asthma, to name a few. Functional Neurological Disorder(FND) is also considered a stress-related condition. Today, let’s talk about how stress works,…

Managing my disrupted life

Managing my disrupted life

So, it’s once more time for A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. This month’s words are bothering, demanding, nourishing, telecommunicating, and tolerating. This month, it flowed out as the stresses I’m acknowledging in my life and how I’m muddling through. The negative ramifications of the word ‘bothering’ The word bothering, well, bothers me. The Miriam-webster definition…

The LGBT community needs to support all its members

The LGBT community needs to support all its members

This is Pride month, and while I want to celebrate, I feel it is more important to discuss injustice and oppression. With the protests(and occasional rioting) that is going on all over the US, I feel it’s important to discuss the intersectionality of the LGBT community, and how the community has, in large part, erased…

Victimhood: the identity that just keeps taking

Victimhood: the identity that just keeps taking

When I started writing last week’s post on ableism, I recognized that the single behavior that bothered me most was this man’s insistence that his disability was the heart of the problem, followed by his insistence that he was the victim. This post digs into the victim identity, and the emotional shift from having been…