Medicare Part D Selection Walkthrough | Thriving While Disabled

Walkthrough on Medicare Part D

Selecting your Part D plan - one step at a time!

Follow along with Alison as she clicks and selects her Medicare Part D plan 2023 on A step-by-step demo you can do right alongside selecting yours. Open Q&A throughout the event.

Does your mind go blank when you look at the medicare website?

  • Are you unsure about the process?
  • Do you feel like the options don’t make sense?
  • Do you feel like there are so many possibilities you aren’t sure where to start?
  • Did you pick a plan last year and feel like you could have chosen better, but aren’t sure how?

Health insurance plan selection isn't easy, but understanding your options will help you find your best one…

Let's go through the part D selection process step-by-step so you feel in control of your options!

A person holds a piece of paper in their left hand while typing on a calculator with their left hand. The calculator is sitting on a wooden table, with a white computer keyboard visible in front of them. They are wearing a brown button-down shirt and only their torso and hands are visible due to the shot being close-cropped.

What would it look like if you had somebody with years of practice walking you through your options?

Can you imagine having somebody explaining each step, so that you can see exactly where each decision point is?

Did you know that Medicare makes it incredibly easy to compare up to three plans side by side?

Can you picture confidently starting the new year knowing how much your medication should cost each month, and precisely what is  covered?

[Alison] is organized, also compassionate and calm. This supported me, I like working with her.

—Renee, client

[Alison]’s very good at getting down to the essence of a thought process or issue and putting it in plain terms.

—Riley Gerlach, client

Health Insurance always feels confusing, let's make it that bit easier by doing it together!

Join me for the medicare part D walk through, where we pick our plans together

Rather than feeling confused and overwhelmed by your health insurance options, I want to help you be an informed consumer, able to compare plans with a focus on your needs and options.

  • I have been selecting my own healthcare plans since 2005, while managing multiple health issues – and have guided others through the process.  
  • I understand the vocabulary and concepts of the system, and how easy it can be to get lost in the options.
  • I’m here to help you invest time into selecting your plan now so you pay less money later.
  • With this walkthrough, I’ll use my information as an example, and answer  your questions every step along the way.
  • You deserve to feel confident every step of the way, especially since these plans and options are intended to be overly complicated and overwhelming. 

Feel empowered to select the plan that best meets your needs

picture of's welcome page for Alison. The top line visible reads "". Below thatis a symbol of a house with the text "account home" next to it. Below that is much larger text reading "Welcome back, Alison!" Below that, in smaller text "It's timetoreview your pharmacy and drug lists below." The next line of text reads "changes to your existing coverage and get details abov" Below that is a green shield symbol with a check on it, with text next to it reading "Your plans" There are two rectangles with gray borders side by side, but only the one to the left can be really seen. In that rectangle text reads "2022 plan" with smaller text below "Horizon Medicare Blue Rx Enhanced (PDP)" Below in smaller text "(S5993-003-0")

In this walkthrough you will learn:

For a One-time payment of


Medicare part D may be the only portion you need to select each year, but medications aren't cheap

Your job, when it comes to health insurance, is to pick the plan that will give you the coverage you need at the most affordable price you can find.  

Join me to walk through  my part D selection experience, and  follow step by step, while I explain how and why I’m making the choices I  am, and you are free to ask  any questions you have along the way, as you select your plan.

Isn’t it worth an hour or so of your time, and $47, to find the part D plan that’s right for you?