Grieving your former self and finding peace

Grieving your former self and finding peace

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. words: budget, escaping, speeding, slowing, evaluating This month’s prompts had me thinking about energy.  Emotional energy, physical energy, mental energy – all of these energies are limited. So many of our personal day-to-day decisions are heavily influenced by how much energy we have, how…

Massage therapist massaging man's head

Should I see a massage therapist?

I know, you hear massage and think of it as a luxury.  Massage therapists? A pampering that the rich people get, not us. Sometimes, though, massages are the best possible treatment! Massage can also be incredible medicine for a variety of conditions, including Functional Neurological Disorder(FND), the condition I have. Why get a massage? Most…

A Chronic Voice September 2018 linkup

I am trying something a little different today.  A Chronic Voice has a monthly linkup to connect people with chronic illnesses.  Each month, there is a different set of prompts(5 words) that they encourage you to write about.  This is my first time participating.  If you are also interested, please follow the link above! Reconnecting I…

woman in hat sits by fence, waiting

losing friends due to chronic illness: what you can do to keep the right ones!

Losing some friends due to chronic illness is practically inevitable and nearly impossible to prevent entirely.  However, there are definitely things that you can do to help yourself maintain many of your friendships, and become closer to the friends you are able to keep.  The first step is to face reality and recognize why you…

man near glass window pane

Waiting for disability: what to do with yourself between application and decision

There is a lot of information out there about what you can’t do – working after you have applied for disability is risky.  Furthering your education is also a dicey proposition.  During those months to years of waiting for a decision to be reached, what can you do?  What should you do?  Do you really…

good sleep hygiene for insomnia

Sleep hygiene for insomnia: Getting a better night’s sleep

So, getting a good night’s sleep is vital for our lives and health.  Most disabling conditions cause or exacerbate sleep issues.  It’s a frustrating situation, and one that requires some consideration – and some planning to resolve!  Today, let’s talk about what good sleep hygiene is(and isn’t), and what you can(and can’t) realistically do to…

woman smiling and shrugging in graduation cap
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Going to college with a disability: academic accommodations

So you are going to college!  College is an exciting experience for anybody, but when you are managing a disabling condition, it’s vital that you consider your school’s willingness to provide accommodations to you based upon your disability. Accommodations research to help you decide where to go If you are going to need accommodations in…

Can you go to school while on disability?

Can I go to school while on disability?

The question of attending school is an important one, as education is an important aspect of personal development.   Students with disabilities who are under 21 Children are always expected to receive schooling, including children with disabilities.  Most children with disabilities have an Individualized Education Plan(IEP), which spells out parent and teacher expectations for the…