White woman with shoulder-length curly brown hair walks confidently through a building with large glass windows overlooking trees. Her right leg is prosthetic.

Returning to work after getting on disability: protecting your health

For many of us who become disabled, the recognition and acceptance process isn’t easy, and all too often, employment and disability are inextricably linked. For many of us, part of becoming disabled is losing our employment. The grief and loss of becoming disabled is often entangled deeply with the loss of income, and often the…

Alison sits in a car, wearing a dress and with her hair styled back and makeup on, smiling

Ableism in society: everybody wants you to be okay

One of those challenges that many of us need to deal with is that on top of the physical and emotional trauma involved in our illnesses or injuries, we also often need to communicate what is happening to our loved ones and other significant people in our lives.  This can be challenging, as we are…

white woman with brown hair smiles at the camera. The picture shows her from the chest up and she is smiling. She's wearing a white top draped over a green one.

To disclose or not to disclose your condition—it’s your question to answer

This post is by a friend of mine, Michele Harold, who holds the subject of disclosure near and dear to her heart. “You’re always sick,” my coworker said to me as I entered the office.  I had called in sick the day before due to my disability. My disability causes chronic pain, fatigue, and low-grade…

Large sign on a building. Uncle Sam image with the words'I want YOU to stay home'

Voting in the time of Corona

So, it’s once more time for A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. This month’s words are producing, acquiring, switching, disappointing, and forming. Here in the US, it’s election season, and it’s a strange one thanks in part to Covid-19. It has been a really strange and stressful year, and I am extremely concerned about the outcome of…

2 young women chat over beer. One of them sit on a barstool and other uses her wheelchair.

Internalized Ableism: the struggle to accept our own worthiness

People with disabilities are often marginalized by society – and there are a variety of reasons for it. The social model of disability focuses on how instead of viewing our symptoms as failures on our part, it’s time to start looking at what assumptions society has made that make participating in the greater community more…

A group of six disabled POC folks gather on a rooftop to chat.

Accessibility is about more than just ramps and captions

The first thing that I want to make very clear is that I *want* the public to do a better job of making things accessible. I know that even getting ramps, captions, image descriptions, and other basic essentials meant to allow people with physical disabilities to participate in society still has a long way to…

Managing my disrupted life

Managing my disrupted life

So, it’s once more time for A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. This month’s words are bothering, demanding, nourishing, telecommunicating, and tolerating. This month, it flowed out as the stresses I’m acknowledging in my life and how I’m muddling through. The negative ramifications of the word ‘bothering’ The word bothering, well, bothers me. The Miriam-webster definition…