Alison(white woman with brown hair pulled back and glasses) poses with Kawa(Asian woman with shoulder-length black hair wearing reflective sunglasses). They are both smiling and wearing pink shirts. Alison has a bi flag(blue visible, purple and pink) around her shoulders.

My intersectional identity: bi and disabled

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. Wondering, Repeating, turning, desiring, getting Wondering As a bi person with a chronic and likely life-long condition, I have put time into wondering what informs my partner selection, and wondering about the values others who share either or both identities express. You may be…

me, sitting and looking at a pond
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Functional Neurological Disorder(Are you #FNDaware?)

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. words: Tiring, Educating, Receiving, Giving & Quieting FND Awareness week begins on Sunday April 7, so I wanted to get things off to a good start. Reading over these words, I immediately thought about my experience with FND and as a disability rights advocate(as…

A large formal event. People are gathered at a long wooden table. Everyone is raising a glass for a toast

Making the most of your holiday celebrations!

I talked recently about deciding what events to attend as part of your holiday celebrations this holiday season. This post is a companion for it, but with a focus on what you can do before and during an event to help yourself have the most possible fun! Plan ahead to minimize your stress the day…

man near glass window pane

Waiting for disability: what to do with yourself between application and decision

There is a lot of information out there about what you can’t do – working after you have applied for disability is risky.  Furthering your education is also a dicey proposition.  During those months to years of waiting for a decision to be reached, what can you do?  What should you do?  Do you really…

disability and sleep disorder
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Disability and Sleep disorders: why we need a good night’s rest

Nearly 20% of the global population has a sleep disorder.  Sleep disorders can be debilitating, and sleep disorders make other conditions worse.  With our daily patterns and routines disrupted, the only thing that would be surprising would be if our sleep cycles weren’t affected by our disabilities! Why is sleep so important? When you are asleep, your…

A black and white photo, featuring a plain building with windows at consistent repeated intervals. In the forefront on the left-hand side, a shoulder and hand are visible, with the hand pressed against the windowpane that the picture is taken through.

Disability and loneliness: The power of maintaining social connections

One of the big differences between ’being sick’ and dealing with a chronic condition is how your relationships and activities are affected.  If you’re sick, staying home and resting up IS a great idea.  Sure, you may miss one or two activities you were looking forward to, but you’ll feel better and get back into…