turquoise background, with white text: "I did it my way: Guiding your own medical wellness journey: off label LDN for fibromyalgia). The right side of is a picture of a bottle of prescription medication

I Did It My Way! Directing Your Wellness Journey

I met Katie a year or two ago. As she and I discussed our health experiences, I found myself especially fascinated with how she discovered LDN and how helpful she’d found it. As she shared her experience of negotiating her treatment with her doctor, I thought it would be a great piece of experience to…

Building a partnership with your doctor: good doctor-patient communication

Building a partnership with your doctor: good doctor-patient communication

Doctor and patient communication should be a two-way street, not one. While your doctor has medical expertise and training in how to recognize and treat medical conditions, you are the expert on your body and your needs. As a patient, it’s your responsibility to gather good information about yourself and your history and symptoms, and…