'believe in yourself' written in black cursive on a yellow wall, with a child in a yellow and black coat looking at it

Taking care of yourself: ways to perform radical self-care

You are an important and valuble person in and of yourself. Some people have trouble believing this after becoming disabled or having a severe injury or illness, but I am here to remind you that you are still special and that you still deserve to be happy! This post is all about taking care of…

A Chronic Voice September 2018 linkup

I am trying something a little different today.  A Chronic Voice has a monthly linkup to connect people with chronic illnesses.  Each month, there is a different set of prompts(5 words) that they encourage you to write about.  This is my first time participating.  If you are also interested, please follow the link above! Reconnecting I…

planner for developing structure in life

I need structure in my life, and you do too!

 Most people spend much of their lives living within societal structure.  By this, I mean that most people went to school as children, had scheduled work hours as an adult, and otherwise had discrete blocks of time set aside for specific activities.  One of the social problems with a disabling condition is that those of…