Alison(white woman with brown hair pulled back and glasses) poses with Kawa(Asian woman with shoulder-length black hair wearing reflective sunglasses). They are both smiling and wearing pink shirts. Alison has a bi flag(blue visible, purple and pink) around her shoulders.

My intersectional identity: bi and disabled

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. Wondering, Repeating, turning, desiring, getting Wondering As a bi person with a chronic and likely life-long condition, I have put time into wondering what informs my partner selection, and wondering about the values others who share either or both identities express. You may be…

poster stating"FND(functional neurological disorder): confirming your diagosis

Getting diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

I have a condition known as Functional Neurological Disorder(FND).  I was diagnosed in 2003, when people were even less aware of the condition than they are now.  It had a different name(Conversion Disorder) and was labeled as a form of mental illness, rather than as a neurological condition.   In my case, Conversion Disorder remains…

me, sitting and looking at a pond
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Functional Neurological Disorder(Are you #FNDaware?)

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. words: Tiring, Educating, Receiving, Giving & Quieting FND Awareness week begins on Sunday April 7, so I wanted to get things off to a good start. Reading over these words, I immediately thought about my experience with FND and as a disability rights advocate(as…

two women with arms around one another's shoulders sharing a blanket

Befriending my condition, the process that got me there

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  words: Adjusting, Hoping, Surviving, Befriending & Awakening Putting these words together, the idea of recognizing my limitations and how my condition works jumps out at me. This is a very internalized process, but a vital one for developing a good self-care routine, and indeed…

mug with writing on it 'Everyone is entitled to MY opinion'

Getting a second opinion: how, when, and why to do it!

If your condition is complicated, you will likely need to see a variety of experts.  Somewhere on that journey, a doctor, most often a specialist of some sort, will recognize your symptoms and give you a diagnosis.  Is that diagnosis enough?  Are you set now?  Or do you need to go deeper down the rabbit…

A Chronic Voice January 2019

A Chronic Voice January 2019

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  Prompts: Dedicating, Establishing, Breaking, Strengthening, Allowing Like many new years I have experienced, 2019 finds me hopeful but tired, and wanting to use this ‘new year’ energy to improve myself and my life.  This just is a good time for self-reflection, growth, and creating…

A Chronic Voice December 2018

A Chronic Voice December 2018

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup.  Prompts: De-Stressing, Savouring, Simplifying, Resting, Finalising I often spend late November and much of December focused on finding the positives.  I struggle to connect with the joy and giving that are often assumed and expected, while I try to participate in celebrations and keep…

Self-care with FND: 8 ways you can help yourself #letstalkfnd
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Self-care with FND: 8 ways you can help yourself #letstalkfnd

Today, in celebration of FND Awareness Day, I want to focus on my fellow FNDers.  For anybody wanting more details on what FND is and how it works, here is my guest-post about FND to promote awareness.  In a nutshell, Functional Neurological Disorder is a neurological condition where stress(especially emotional stress) is expressed in very…

Should I see a psychologist?

Should I see a psychologist?

Psychologists treat psychological concerns or issues through conversation, observing your thoughts and actions, and helping you think through your reactions to events in your life.   They meet with their patients regularly, and it is an emotionally intimate relationship. They do not require a specific diagnosis but instead work with their clients to help them…