protest sign leaning against a door. It reads "Racism is a pandemic'

Covid-19 is a fulcrum: let’s change the world!

So, it’s once more time for A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. This month’s words are unlocking, limiting, studying, healing, and watching. This month, it felt really appropriate to focus in on our ability, as disabled folks, to help embody the changes that could help our country heal. Covid-19 has served to highlight the inequalities and…

Evaluating your doctor

Evaluating your Doctor

One of the idiosyncrasies of the American healthcare system(and there are many) is that it’s somewhere between difficult and impossible to get much information about how effective your doctor is.  There are some indicators out there, but it’s mostly second-hand information. For example, if your doctor was involved in a malpractice lawsuit, it’s generally a…