Eggs in an egg carton. All are white except for a single black egg in the center. All eggs have faces drawn on them - with the black egg looking frightened, and the surrounding white eggs looking varying degrees of angry or disapproving and appearing focused on the black egg

Minority Stress and Chronic Illness

When writing my post about stress-related medical conditions, I went down an intellectual rabbit hole that I wanted to highlight: the stresses involved in being a minority of any kind. People tend to immediately categorize all they engage with as either “like” or “other”. They connect with those who are like them, and view the…

Stress-related health conditions

Stress-related health conditions

There are many conditions that are directly associated with stress. While that includes most, if not all, mental illnesses, it also includes very physical conditions such as diabetes, many forms of coronary disease, and asthma, to name a few. Functional Neurological Disorder(FND) is also considered a stress-related condition. Today, let’s talk about how stress works,…

Alison(white woman with brown hair pulled back and glasses) poses with Kawa(Asian woman with shoulder-length black hair wearing reflective sunglasses). They are both smiling and wearing pink shirts. Alison has a bi flag(blue visible, purple and pink) around her shoulders.

My intersectional identity: bi and disabled

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. Wondering, Repeating, turning, desiring, getting Wondering As a bi person with a chronic and likely life-long condition, I have put time into wondering what informs my partner selection, and wondering about the values others who share either or both identities express. You may be…