A snail makes its way across a red running track.

Pacing: an essential tool for self-care and healing

I’m once more participating in A Chronic Voice’s writing prompts. This month’s words are: summarizing, crossing, moving, rebuilding, and expecting. I’ve been thinking about writing about pacing for a while now, and these words felt useful for that process. When the summary is too short So to summarize what most doctors tell their patients: “You…

White woman with shoulder-length curly brown hair walks confidently through a building with large glass windows overlooking trees. Her right leg is prosthetic.

Returning to work after getting on disability: protecting your health

For many of us who become disabled, the recognition and acceptance process isn’t easy, and all too often, employment and disability are inextricably linked. For many of us, part of becoming disabled is losing our employment. The grief and loss of becoming disabled is often entangled deeply with the loss of income, and often the…

a woman in turquoise scrubs holds a stethescope bent to form the shape of a heart in front of her.
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Finding the right doctors after being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder

Functional Neurological Disorder is a common but poorly understood condition. Being diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder isn’t just overwhelming for you as the patient, but it also can be a challenge for your doctor as well. The symptoms look like neurological symptoms(each FNDer may have a different symptom set), but don’t have the usual causes…

Managing Stress if you go to an ER

Managing Stress if you go to an ER

If you are not experiencing an immediately life-threatening emergency, please double-check with your doctor if at all possible to see if there is a reasonable alternative to going to the ER. Not only are ER visits substantially more expensive than regular doctor or hospital visits, but they also are spaces where you have almost no…

person inside an underground cave, looking up at sublight filtering down

How filing for disability hurts you(and why you need to do it anyway)

I’m not trying to be discouraging or to tell you not to apply.   I have been supported by SSDI(social security disability insurance) for well over 15 years, and I know that my quality of life would be much worse if I were not on this program.   What I do want to do is…

man near glass window pane

Waiting for disability: what to do with yourself between application and decision

There is a lot of information out there about what you can’t do – working after you have applied for disability is risky.  Furthering your education is also a dicey proposition.  During those months to years of waiting for a decision to be reached, what can you do?  What should you do?  Do you really…

Maintaining mental health while filing for disability

Maintaining mental health while filing for disability

Filing for disability put me in a depressive funk that left me exhausted, and the process of filing the paperwork literally took me weeks because I couldn’t work on it for more than ten to fifteen minutes at a time before I was physically unable to continue.  Filing for disability, in itself, was an emotional…