Weathering the storms of life

Weathering the storms of life

Once more, I am participating in A Chronic Voice’s monthly linkup. words: researching, dating, finding, recounting, and recycling. Sometimes in life, you get hit with a perfect storm of stress – and sadly it looks like from mid-august well into September, I’m in that position. There are times when even if you are doing your best…

Al’s diagnosis journey: how a broken hip led to diagnosis of a blood disorder

Al’s diagnosis journey: how a broken hip led to diagnosis of a blood disorder

This post is about why it’s so important to keep pushing doctors in order to find out just what the medical problem is, and how to solve it. The following is what Al and I went through(mainly from a medical perspective), and the lessons we learned from it. Despite mostly finding very good doctors, going…

mug with writing on it 'Everyone is entitled to MY opinion'

Getting a second opinion: how, when, and why to do it!

If your condition is complicated, you will likely need to see a variety of experts.  Somewhere on that journey, a doctor, most often a specialist of some sort, will recognize your symptoms and give you a diagnosis.  Is that diagnosis enough?  Are you set now?  Or do you need to go deeper down the rabbit…