woman(Alison) leaning against a tree

Being your own boss on disability: mastering your destiny

As I’ve mentioned on previous posts, you can work while on SSI or SSDI. There are programs, like Ticket to Work and Vocational Rehab programs that can help with the process. However, the reality is that while they can give you information about working, they often are only prepared to help you with calculations related…

four people participating in the disability pride parade - an invisibly disabled black woman holding a sign reading 'Yes, and...", me, holding a sign that reads 'include disabled people in activism', a white woman in a wheelchair holding a sign reading 'the future is accessible, and another white woman beside her wearing a zebra-striped cap.

Advocating for disability rights as a member of the community

So often, people with disabilities are pretty much automatically ignored, put down, or ostracized by our communities. There are a lot of contributing factors, but I want to talk about some of those factors here today, as well as discuss what we can do(as individuals) to help the greater disabled community. People with disabilities are…

person in a wheel chair from behind with a blue sky overhead

What is SSDI and how does it work?

SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance(It is also sometimes shortened to SSD), which is one of two programs to support people who are too disabled to work. SSDI is specifically for people who have enough of a work history that they would be eligible for social security benefits when they retire. This program is…