There’s a lot of confusing and contradictory information out there, and a lot of bad information coming even from doctors.

  • Have you been diagnosed with FND but then left with little to no guidance?
  • Have you been given so many different diagnoses(including FND) you don’t know what to believe anymore?
  • Do you think the diagnosis makes sense, but aren’t sure what to do next?

Look no further, I have the course for you!

Functional Neurological Disorder is not well understood even by many neurologists, and often as patients, we have to research FND on our own, as well as figuring out how to manage it and what treatment options are available.  

This course provides links to research and other information resources that will help you to find the right expert(s) so you can be certain that your diagnosis is correct

As a patient who has seen some of the experts(Dr. Kathrin Lafaver(MoRe), Dr. Daniel Schneider(UMDNJ in New Brunswick, NJ), and Dr. Pietro Mazzoni (Columbia Presbyterian’s Center for Parkinson’s and Other Movement Disorders)and received the recommended treatment options(participated in the MoRe program in Louisville, KY in 2016), I’m speaking to you from a place of experience.  

I have been an active participant in FND Hope, including volunteering on their magazine and having multiple articles published in it.

I also am speaking on their first-ever FND Conference.

This course shares the lessons I’ve learned over the 15 years I have spent managing my FND symptoms and learning about what may work, what’s unlikely to work, and why that’s the case.  

While my symptoms have primarily been movement-associated, I have managed urinary, visual, and sensory symptoms as well, and I believe my recommendations will be helpful for anyone with any FND symptom set. 

While my symptoms have been strongly associated with my mental and emotional state, I understand that this is not the case for everyone with FND.

Whenever possible, I link to additional resources and information sources to help you to delve deeper into any aspect of FND awareness and management that I mention.  

  • Do you have family or friends who don’t understand FND, and you can’t figure out how to explain it to them?
  • Are you unsure if or how to adjust your life to your diagnosis – or what to expect in the long term?

By the end of this course, you should

  • Know the history of FND(initially ‘conversion hysteria’), including where our understanding lies today
  • Know what types of doctors to see and how to feel secure in the knowledge that your FND diagnosis is correct.
  • Understand the value of an intensive multidisciplinary treatment program and have leads on where you may be able to go for treatment.
  • Understand the acceptance process, both in terms of diagnosis and in terms of mentally and emotionally embracing the associated changes
  • Be able to explain both the condition and your symptoms in a concise and clear manner.
  • Understand the long-term implications of FND and what you can do to maintain your health – with tools I have shared with you!

Join now for life-long access to this course. I intend to keep updating this course as I learn more or get requests for additional information. If this course doesn’t answer your questions, let me know and I will do my best to get you the information you need!

This course currently costs $100.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?